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Become An Affiliate

Becoming an affiliate of Connect Life WI means joining a strong network of life-affirming organizations across the state of Wisconsin for the purpose of connecting, collaborating, and strategizing to present a unified voice for the protection of human life in Wisconsin. The coalition builds relationships, equips leaders, and encourages best practices and procedures as we serve Wisconsin families. Together we are better!

Benefits Of Joining Connect Life WI

  • No one is a lone ranger! Directors, boards, medical staff will be part of an extensive network in the Connect Life WI community
  • Stronger voice that reaches WI citizens to make abortion unthinkable in WI and beyond
  • Professional development – Regional, state-wide and on-site trainings for boards, directors and staff on best practices and leadership
  • Solid relationships with peers allowing for exchange of ideas, resources and encouragement
  • Safety in numbers; ward off lawsuits and attacks before they start, and if they do come, fight as an entire group using the support of Care Net, Heartbeat and NIFLA
  • Prayer support – monthly prayer calendar
  • Development of a statewide strategic plan to promote Life
  • Development of collaborative partners that benefit Affiliates
  • Increased Affiliate awareness – the centers will be included in any radio, website, FB or other awareness campaigns; Affiliate websites will be listed and linked on the Connect Life WI website
  • Increased awareness at the state and federal level of the work of WI life-affirming organizations. Connect Life WI works in conjunction with the Charlotte Lozier Institute to report annual statistics. Affiliates will report center stats to either Heartbeat, Care Net, or CLI to produce a combined annual “State Impact Report”, which will show donors/boards/legislators the impact/extent of our services
  • Possibility of collaborating or sharing services to reduce the cost of doing business – group health insurance, marketing, etc.
  • The possibility of receiving funding; qualified organizations can choose whether or not to be included in the distribution of such funds

Find An Affiliate Near You

Our affiliates represent WI pregnancy centers, maternity homes, adoptive agencies, and other life-affirming groups in WI.  You can be part of the vision of building a stronger voice for life in WI.

How To Join

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