Statement of Principle
- Connect Life WI (CLW) is an outreach ministry of Jesus Christ through His church. Those who labor as CLW Board members, staff and volunteers acknowledge Christ as their Savior and Lord.
- CLW is committed to expanding statewide awareness of issues involved with protecting human life, and of the fact that abortion only compounds human need rather than resolves it.
- All affiliates of Connect Life WI, board members, employees, and volunteers understand and agree that CLW is a Christian ministry committed to historic Christian values in the following moral spheres:
- Life – Connect Life WI is founded on the belief that every human—born or unborn—is created in the image of God, has inherent dignity and value from conception to natural death, and ought to be protected by law.
- Sexuality – Connect Life WI advocates sexual purity before marriage and sexual faithfulness within marriage.
- Marriage – Connect Life WI recognizes biblical marriage as that between a genetic man and a genetic woman.
- Connect Life WI is committed to integrity and respect. All communication and interaction with affiliates, partners, vendors, supporters, volunteers and staff—as well as those with whom we disagree—will be truthful and respectful. Connect Life WI seeks best practices and ongoing improvement, and encourages transparent feedback from those we serve.